The Great Passage #01 — It’s Guy Love

October 13th, 2016


Stop being coy and just make it a full on meet cute.


Don't get me wrong here. I have at much like for Japan's Angsty Single Male With Liberal Arts Degree shows spewed out season after season as I do for America's Spunky Single Female With Post Graduate Degree shows. Well, maybe I have a little more dislike for Japan's version since instead of sassy one-liners and a lot of casual sex, they have shots of the ground, ceilings, and crippling insecurity. The point is that I feel like I've seen this episode at least forty seven times in the last year. This is subtype B, where it's the glory of whatever his liberal arts degree is in that provides his connection to the glory of everyday life though, as opposed to subtype A where it's one or more small girls hopped up on a pound of Haribo gummy bears.

Which is to say that, shockingly for a noiaminA show, I was far from engaged. It did get a little… weird… in the middle where the dream sequence meant the animators were allowed to put a little effort in, and then the books started talking, and the director felt like he should be doing something too, so there was this really lazy picture in picture montage. Mostly though, it was either the older guy mincing around because job postings, reading resumes, and interviews would make too much sense, and the angsty guy trudging through life. And then, also shockingly, fate would bring them together at the end amid more really awkward animation, a dream-like haze, words literally coming to life, and the peal of the choirs of heaven because A just knew in his heart of hearts that B was the perfect man for him as soon as he laid eyes on him. If it was trying to get me to take it seriously, it failed. Badly. Very badly.

Posted in Anime | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • Sol says:

    It resembles the crowd at a Dream Theater gig. All middle-aged men.