Occultic;Nine #02 — Postmortem Dentistry
October 15th, 2016
Why not grab some pliers and rip a tooth-key out of a corpse?
The only characters I feel any attachment or empathy to are the two cops looking on in annoyance as their compatriot rants about the gay porn he's flipping through. Instead of bringing things together more based around, you know, the dead body, if anything, it splintered further as it bounced around through time and space, a literary device that I've never been a particularly great fan of, and certainly isn't done with any care here. The motormouthed duo that was the main focus of the first episode was all but absent in this episode besides the dentistry bit, but I'm not sure who you could say the focus was on then, which just leaves a bunch of random scenes with a loose connecting thread that's really hard to tell if it's actually going anywhere.
Maybe it'll all come together next week, maybe it'll all come together two months from now. Like the other two shows today, it's more concerned/in love with its setting than it is concerned about creating a story and/or characters to populate it. We end up with a mess of random scenes that could have all come from completely different shows with the only unifying factor really being a somewhat smug air of self-indulgence. I guess at least it's not painfully dull nothingness, but it's not a whole lot less obnoxious for it.
Next Episode:
Posted in Occultic;Nine | 2 Comments »
I agree, nothing here makes sense, everything is all over the place and this episode seems made from scenes from different episodes, whether is intentional or the show is a huge mess IDK and IDGAF.
The murderous ghost threatening to blow the loli head was by far the highlight of the episode and the only reason I am still watching this.