Izetta, The Last Witch #01 — Royal Corgi

October 1st, 2016


But what happened with the corgi?


Another in the "why the hell do you even have this as a premise if all you're going to do is have people stand around chattering?" This episode was basically 22 minutes of "princess is brave," which was eventually rewarded in the closing minute or so when she was hurt, thus angering her magical friend and inspiring the first little bit of animation for the episode so they could triumphantly hold hangs and hug. Every now and then, they'd cut over to a couple schmucks on the antagonist side to provide exposition, but mostly, it was all about the princess clenching her fist and quietly declaring how strong she'll be. Well, that and various exposition.

So no, it did not draw me in. It was an overly long episode to begin with, and they could've started approximately 23 minutes in with the princess held captive by nazis and I'm pretty sure I could've easily picked up the rest. Nor does it set up any real direction for the show to go besides "nazis bad, girls, hugs, and magic good." What's the character whom 99% of this episode was focused on going to do? Clench her fist and try really hard? Regalia was sucking at that too, and its princess was regularly going on LSD trips while piloting large robots that may or may not have been her underaged lesbian lover.

Posted in Izetta | 3 Comments »

3 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Neclord X says:

    Well, at least this has something resemblance a plot, that’s more from what we can say of lot series.

  • Sanjuro says:

    I liked it enough to give it a chance, but I can see it devolving into the Princess getting hurt and then saved by an angry witch every week. I’ll try to be optimistic though.

  • dp says:

    This show is too good for Tenka Seiha to cover!

    For the season, Tenka needs, as usual:

    * Three TERRIBLE shows to rant about

    * One show with some virtue but widely disliked by the mainstream (e.g., Taboo Tattoo) to say slightly nice things about.

    * One good but flawed show to mock.