Hip Whip Girls!!!!!!!! #02 — Bad New Imbeciles
October 13th, 2016
The stupidity of these creatures pains me.
This didn't make a great case for itself either, especially not through the start where it was more or less just exercise and/or ass-abuse softcore porn. Close up after closeup of crotches plunging towards the camera or scooting across the ground like dogs trying to clean their butts. It would've been much better suited to keep running crazy, not tone things down and enter an extended training arc, let alone one where the grand struggle at the halfway point is "two people went for the ball at once." And the sheer gymnastics that they go through to keep from this is almost amazing in a way. Pay more attention to the wind. Okay, that didn't work. Someone else will narrate the ball's direction in the air while everyone stares at it. Okay, that didn't work. But let's try it again anyway. This isn't even a sensical thing in the first place. Why would you need to narrate the movement of the ball to someone staring at the goddamned ball?
It went on for minutes, and eventually lead to a discussion where they came to the conclusion "we need to communicate." That's not even where this idiocy train ends. The final result of it wasn't calling for the ball, it was that one of them figured out that she could read the body language (ie ponytail twitches) of the quiet one who can read the power of the wind or something, and thereby was able to narrate to the others where the ball would be, thus preventing each other from getting in each other's way. Christ, guys. God help you if Japan ever gets the Bad News Bears. At least it showed a bit at the very end of what made the first episode fun despite its… everything. Never have I hoped so much for a show to get into a tournament arc before, but I'm pretty sure we need to a 'bonding' episode for each of the main cast, so that's at least two more to go, if not far… far more.
Posted in Hip Whip Girls | 4 Comments »
the idea behind the instructing of the ball’s direction is that once the girls hit it, they are frantically trying to reach its destination as soon as they can. They are looking at the ball but most of them are shitty at reading where the ball is going to go, that’s why they were trying to rely on one another’s judgment but it didnt work out so well either. In theory, all of them shouting directions at each other is not a smart idea. For me, the only thing that stretched credibility was the fact that they had all that time to shout directions; that ball must have really low air resistance