Trigger Happy Havoc: Despair #02 — Date Rape

July 21st, 2016


Featuring Ultra Mash Siblings.


I gave this a second look mostly because it's Thursday afternoon and Kishi's traditionally done much better with comedies. I was, of course, betrayed, like usual. This was just a collection of slapped together scenes from all over the place. Five minutes of characters speaking ominously about something in the future, five minutes of girls moaning, handjobs on wood, and closeups of sweaty breasts due to date rape soup, and I guess the keystone of the episode, five minutes of game 'parodies' with a sappy bit of idiocy about how multiplayer games equals friendship. Clearly someone has never played Monopoly. Or Chu Chu Rocket. Or Goldeneye with a screenpeaking Oddjob-using bastard. The balance was mostly undirected yelling and continued moping from the not-protagonist.


Posted in Trigger Happy | 2 Comments »

2 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • The Phantom says:

    They should have focus on a single game (the first) and not mix characters from different games like this, it makes no sense whatsoever, and honestly dont give a damn about anyone but Naegi, Kirigiri and maybe Asahina.

  • Anonymous says:

    Have you played the game Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair?