Twin Star Exorcists #02 — Lines!
April 13th, 2016
You can never have enough lines.
And in the "What's going to suck the least on Wednesdays" competition, this comes out tripping over its own feet and falling out of its pants by way of piling on the terrible cliches simply to have them, the action somehow managing to get even worse, and then its promise of what's to come was "they go to school and daaaates." But let's start at the top. What a hilarious thing it is to have an obnoxious magical pet. And how hilarious indeed for him to walk in on a girl undressing in his very home. I really cannot understand Japan's slavish devotion to these things. They aren't even there for any purpose. It's like they're there out of sheer obligation. Not as part of the plot in any way. Not to advance things between characters. Simply… here's this tired cliche. And here's some nonsequitur flashbacks in the middle of things too. We have no idea why we're putting any of this in, but apparently we need to. And how far has the plot come after two episodes? We've made it all the way to the end of the couple sentence premise of the show, ie the explanation of the title. Hold on to your asses, because this train is cooking.
And then we get to the 'fight' this week, between the titular characters. I can describe it in one word; lines. Mostly speed lines for him to show how intense he's moving, but not actually moving very much at all, and mostly glow lines for her, because she's actually moving fast, but it takes too much effort to draw a person. I guess at least she wasn't running in circles around him for absolutely no comprehensible reason, Flash, but I have a fairly low opinion when the main 'animation' in a fight is the same kind of low end shortcut attack animations I used to do myself when tinkering around in MUGEN back in the beforetimes because, again, actual art is haaaard.
I guess unless Stray Dogs really cocks it up, the day goes to it. Or if it does, maybe I'll just drink heavily.
Next Episode:
Oh boy. They go to school. And on a date.
Posted in Twin Star Exorcists | 1 Comment »
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