Grimgar #05 — Crying Into Your Beer
February 7th, 2016
For almost the entire episode.
All right, Grimgar, this may be it for you and me. This was your chance to show how his death totally changed everything, or at the very least, have a couple characters do something stupid that changes their relationship based on the spur of the moment and emotions, and you instead chose to squander every possible opportunity at every turn to simply wallow. And wallow. And wallow some more. Why isn't the story following High Five Guy? He seems like he's got stuff going on in his life. I bet his story doesn't blow ass and go nowhere. Didn't even have any animation this week, and given A-1's tendency to massively frontload the production for their shows and last week's utter budgetary collapse, I have my doubts it'll ever come back. That's all you were even slightly good for, show.
They didn't even really show the replacement priest girl. Just had them sitting in the bar bitching about her and continuing to wallow. And this is after the entire second half of the previous episode was spent wallowing. We've now had close to half an hour of pure wallowing. About a character who did nothing but sip tea with one other character. I couldn't even say if he ever interacted, period, with a couple of the still-living sacks of warm flesh. And we skipped the OP even to make more time for angsting around. 5 episodes means about 110 minutes of show so far, and a third of them have now been spent mourning this schmuck who was barely above NPC.
Next Episode:
You bore me.
Posted in Grimgar | 10 Comments »
So, 5 episodes out of 12 and so far NOTHING HAS HAPPENED! How the hell do you do that? Also, someone mentioned the Light Novel having twist early on…if the twist was that guy dying then that is pretty weak.
Now that I think about it, has there been a Light Novel where the main character ISN’T a high schooler/age of a high schooler, and/or male?