Four Rhythms #06 — Make A Goddamned New Episode Already

February 15th, 2016


I was this close to putting all images from last week/episode 3 as the header and seeing if anybody noticed.


I'm starting to wonder if they're doing the Endless Eight thing where they're seeing how many times in a row they can release the exact same episode. This one toned down the Out-Of-Quidditch fluff for ramping up the In-Quidditch fluff. Competent Girl once again was competent. Guy Dressed In Black With Rape Stare once again was rape staring. Lobotomy Pink once again totally surprised everyone by getting a couple points before losing handily. And we are still stuck in handwaving sporting for the sake of sporting, with any actual character dynamics or even actual interactions all completely jettisoned to the curb. What are the stakes? Nada. What's the skin the characters have in it? Ditto. How are the characters interacting with each other? Well, the camera man was taking a good long look at Lobotomy Pink's tits this week. Does that count?

Next Episode:

The same episode part 5? 4? 6?

Posted in Four Rhythms | 3 Comments »

3 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • anise_punter says:

    They’re just low yo-yoing with my emotions now (not really)

    There are some… iffy faces this week it looks like, maybe rape-stare-guy was ruining it for everyone.

  • The Phantom says:

    Did you really watch Suzumiya or was the endless eight reference just common knowledge, if my memory does no fail me you hated that show back in 2009.

    Are you really going to endure this POS until the end, pink hair braindead is unbearable stupid and annoying, not to mention the silly game, and the non existent plot.

  • LUNI_TUNZ says:

    I love how the anime continues to find ways to make this game make less and less sense. Like, are they afflicted with Hit Stun, which prevents them from flying away as soon as they get knocked off kilter? Why didn’t dude just fly away as soon as he saw Pink revving up her second kick turn?

    Why is dude allowed to just throw her into the water? That seems like it should be some sort of foul or unsportsmanlike conduct.