Phantom World #02 — Has It Been 10 Minutes Without Any T&A?

January 13th, 2016


Better fix that with a vengeance, stat.


They really need to get away from this "stuff was always around, but it wasn't until brain damage that we noticed them" schtick that they keep trying to push with their imbecilic pseudo science. We want to coast over and not focus on the parts of your setting that make abolutely no sense, not shine a spotlight on them. Then again, outside of tedious exposition about the setting, the only thing this seems to be bringing to the table is more fanservice. Not that I really had any high hopes that it'd be ramping up the action, but it would've been nice to be surprised for once.

Anyway, this episode was half about a token robot/electro girl, and gawking at the girls as they either strip or stretch. The girl was presented through a stream of exposition about her, followed by more exposition about what her power is and how it works, leading to the fantastic plan of "you should hit it!", and then the fanservice began and that would remain the focus for the rest of the episode, not that that stopped the exposition at all. It's not enough to just smear blood on your crayon drawing, you also have to show you're bleeding, having someone exclaim how you're bleeding, and then explain that you need to be bleeding for this anyway. I'm pretty sure even Naruto wasn't this self-indulgent. And then they got an additional mascot pet. The main joke this week seemed to be the genie butting in and getting smacked. Guess it's just one joke an episode, repeated to death. 

What the hell am I going to do with this season?

Posted in Phantom World | 6 Comments »

6 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • anise_punter says:

    Tired of watching your comment section attempt to convince you to rewatch and blog Nanoha As week by week, Japan’s animation studios collude for a season so devoid of anything that you’re left almost without a choice.

  • dark says:

    ok i have biten the bait now reina-chan <3

  • El Goopo says:

    Well you could always try watching the less shitty shows, but we all know that’s not a real option :)

    Then again, maybe it would be fun (for you and us) to just have you bash on the less shitty shows? I mean, we already knew that Phantom World was going to be garbage from the start…

    One way or the other, shine on you crazy diamond.

  • Sanjuro says:

    I think it’s time to bring out your pog collection.

  • algorithm says:

    ” What the hell am I going to do with this season? ”

    Build a time machine to warp to the next season.

  • zythaxx says:

    This series bought about 5 episodes of goodwill with “telephone pole limbo dance”.
    Another theory is that I’m a cheap date on these matters.

    For me this season, it’s this, Gate, and the candy shop show. For now.