Grimgar #04 — The Shrug Heard Round the World

January 31st, 2016


Well, at least something  happened.


From all the chatter in the comments and the incredibly subtle preview image at the end of last episode of a discarded staff, it wasn't hard to guess that this was coming, which doesn't stop me from asking "So what?" Also, before he took an arrow to the back, the episode was montage with voice over and sitting around and chatting. Exciting and engaging. After the arrow in the back, it was jerking itself off over how much it mattered. Then the preview for next week is apparently "life goes on." I'm glad we're all on the same page, show. Not helping matters is how they pretty much gave up entirely on animating anything at all by the end of the episode and I'm pretty sure just decided to stick the light novel source's illustrations up for maximum masturbatory glee.

Yeah, he's dead. So what? He's hardly had a presence at all and could've easily not existed from the start. He wasn't a mentor. He's not anybody's rock. His death spurs no character development (well, there are no characters really to develop) nor does it change anything. One warm body is missing. Maybe there will be less tea-having. Maybe. They could easily drop the quiet guy too down a grue's throat too and I don't think anybody would even notice. They seem to have forgotten this. I enjoy the trashy CW superhero shows with friends, and they off side characters every other week. Amanda Waller took a bullet to the face this week, and she couldn't be any more tertiary, yet I can tell you right away a number of possible ramifications from it. It was also jarring and abrupt, so immediately invokes the jarring response that you want instead of setting it to a soulful piano rock ballad.


Next Episode:

Life goes on, nobody cares.

Posted in Grimgar | 11 Comments »

11 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • The Phantom says:

    I know this has nothing to do with Ragnarok Online, but I was always thinking some kind of MVP like the Orc Hero was going to show up eventually and kill half of the party, but nooo those idiots had to run to common goblins, and lose the healer on top of it, way to die in grand.

    • FlameStrike says:

      Haha in a way it makes sense. It’s been repeated over and over that the Goblins are intelligent. Manato’s party is basically going around murdering them in their sleep and taking out the small fries in targeted killings. It’s not surprising that some of the higher ups might take notice now that they are escalating their operations. Kill them off before they get too strong! Also there must have been some reason that no other party is exploring the massive ruins.

  • A.Nagy says:

    Literally should of happened in episode 2.

  • Neclord X says:

    Giant guy with a blunt weapon, fencer parrying, archer staying behind and shooting with deadly accuracy…You know, there must be a really serious issue when the goblins are better at this than the main cast.

    The event is not even worth mentioning, they were no subtle about it at all, they expended the last two episodes and a half with this guy raising death flags, after 2 weeks of blatantly saying “he is gonna die” doesn’t feel dramatic at all, was too expected.

  • Sanjuro says:

    Why didn’t they just let him come back as a zombie? What other parties have a zombie member.
    I just want the montages and pans over still images with shitty music to stop. But they never will, will they?

  • il-Palazzo says:

    Amanda Waller WHAT!?

    Then again, it’s just thin Waller. Give me fat Waller and maybe we’ll care if she lives or die.

  • Mesousa2877 says:

    No Venture Brothers?

  • Di Gi Kazune says:

    Basically, it shows everyone is disposable, albeit some are more so than others.

    Also, never go adventuring without access to the Resurrect spell.

  • Longing says:

    I feel like this show is trying to make insert songs lose their impact by playing one every episode.

    Otherwise, yeah, priest dying was super obvious. And having him point out everyone’s contributions to the party just before he died didn’t make his death more meaningful.

  • jingoi says:

    I’m here for redhead butt, I can’t act like I give a shit about any of the guys (excluding malered)

  • Anonymous says:

    Thank Allah one of the phaggots finally died and it was gratifying to see the shy bitch got rekt. Hopefully they’ll kill off the chuuni knight phaggot next. I’d make a virgin offering to Allah if that were to happen.

    Other than that, same old time wasting with nonsensical dialog about nothing (yes I’m looking at you stupid redhead, go fist yourself with your stupid bestiality story that wasted 2 min of my life) and yet another diarrhea-induced jaypop song.

    Onto next week with an expected emo-filled ep. YATTAAAAAAA!!!