Grimgar #03 — Montage! Montage! Montage!

January 24th, 2016


Oh god, yes. Show me more generic scenery. More shots of the ground. More streams. More grass.


Are you ready to watch some breakfast being made!? And after that, a montage of random shots of the forest, the ground, some stream, and then more of the ground!? And after that, butts and awkward boners? And then some more montages!? Then great news! Because the budget hit the toilet this week like a brick excreted by an elephant. It kept cutting away from people talking to show montages of random pieces of scenery, and after the horror of taking a life last week, by the halfway point of this episode, they were having a montage of serial killing goblins to an inspiring insert song before ending with another five minute bedroom conversation about nothing at all.

Next Episode:

Somebody better get an axe through the face, because I can't take this.

Posted in Grimgar | 9 Comments »

9 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Di Gi Kazune says:

    I am afraid to say this impossible thing:

    This is MMORPG Slice of Life. Or Slice of Life MMORPG. Or Fantasy Slice of Life.

    Dear Japan, you’ve done the impossible and infected MMORPG/Fantasy with Slice of Life. X_x

  • The Phantom says:

    Is like playing a RPG where you are permanently stuck at level 1 and killing the same training mob forever, Exciting! Banzai! Banzai!

  • chad001 says:

    Yeah, all that bs? Clearly filler. Read the novel, not gonna spoil but a major event happens like 1/4-1/3 into the FIRST NOVEL and still hasn’t happened. WTF.

    • Paulo27 says:

      On the other hand, you could have rushed that and made way shittier.

    • A.Nagy says:

      “Yeah, all that bs? Clearly filler. Read the novel, not gonna spoil but a major event happens like 1/4-1/3 into the FIRST NOVEL and still hasn’t happened. WTF.”

      This this this this this, the fucking novel kind of blows over this early shit as fast as possible because it is GENERIC AS SHIT and we don’t need it explained.

  • Anonymous says:

    Fuck this shit, this feels less and less like an adventure rpg and more and more into the slice-of-shitty-life territory. In addition, the pacing is slower than a snail and they have to bring back that peeping incident from last ep into this ep as well to further drag shit out to fill time.

    Then they sat under the rain looking all emo while watching frog leaping but that’s not the worst part. The worst part is they had to once again bring back the peeping incident and that stupid chick keeps babbling about peeping this peeping that and the spineless MC keeps apologizing like a goddamn beta lol

    Well at least they didn’t spend 10 min fighting a single goblin so that’s improvement I guess? But then more inane dialog came up to fill time undid all that good work.

  • Longing says:

    I still don’t hate it, but I feel like spending 3 episodes to get to the point of “we can wear clean underwear” is really unsatisfying. I’m still expecting We-Can-Count-On-Him Priest to die before the half way mark, but I certainly didn’t expect 3 episodes of nothing. Hell, Dark Knight Guy is the only one they’ve actually spent time developing personality-wise, and that’s just because his personality trait is that he DOES NOTHING BUT TALK.

    • Aroduc says:

      We’re all going to be shocked when his discarded staff in the preiew means whatever it could ever possibly mean.

      But then we go straight into the “Yes, and?” point where it doesn’t actually change anything because there is nothing present to change, just one more warm body not around. Half the cast could get eaten by a feral guinea pig right now and it probably wouldn’t change anything.

      • Longing says:

        I’m sad to say I didn’t even notice the staff at the end of the preview. My attention span was shot by that point.

        And I agree. A lot of anime recently have gotten into the idea that killing characters makes their viewers more interested in the show. They don’t seem to understand that the audience has to actually care about the person dying for it to have any real impact anymore.

        I know you dropped Schwarzesmarken, but the 3rd episode really drove that point home the week. 2 characters died (one in a “shocking” moment and one in a “dramatic” moment) and I have no idea why I should care about either of them enough to feel something.