Grimgar #03 — Montage! Montage! Montage!
January 24th, 2016
Oh god, yes. Show me more generic scenery. More shots of the ground. More streams. More grass.
Are you ready to watch some breakfast being made!? And after that, a montage of random shots of the forest, the ground, some stream, and then more of the ground!? And after that, butts and awkward boners? And then some more montages!? Then great news! Because the budget hit the toilet this week like a brick excreted by an elephant. It kept cutting away from people talking to show montages of random pieces of scenery, and after the horror of taking a life last week, by the halfway point of this episode, they were having a montage of serial killing goblins to an inspiring insert song before ending with another five minute bedroom conversation about nothing at all.
Next Episode:
Somebody better get an axe through the face, because I can't take this.
Posted in Grimgar | 9 Comments »
I am afraid to say this impossible thing:
This is MMORPG Slice of Life. Or Slice of Life MMORPG. Or Fantasy Slice of Life.
Dear Japan, you’ve done the impossible and infected MMORPG/Fantasy with Slice of Life. X_x