Dimension W #02 — Biggest Loser
January 17th, 2016
It's anybody in the audience who was hoping for coherent writing.
It's fantastic that the episode spent almost the entire first third on exposition. I particularly liked the part when they went out of their way to explicitly point out the odd couple pairing. Thankfully, things shockingly got much improved from there in a way the first episode never managed. The chase scene was actually pretty well animated and didn't devolve to a series of stills like the first episode. It did fall apart by the end again though, and had a couple moments when it inappropriately tried to be 'cute,' but it was still greatly improved.
Unfortunately, the terrible exposition never really stopped. I can think of no better time than in the middle of a highly televised art theft or while riding on top of a speeding train to pause and explain that you're only partway to the location you previously said you had to be, or not just who you are, but who the other person is too; in case they had forgotten, I guess. The explanation about the dumb birdbots was also goddamned overblown and ridiculous, especially given how that entire side had absolutely jack squat to do with anything going on in the building. It was affecting nothing, and resolved offscreen, so of course we needed it explained to us. Nor am I thrilled that apparently the quest is going to be for collecting the N magical EXTRA special widgets. Same goes for how they apparently create nightmarish monstrosities when futzed with. The writing is… having some issues already. It's a miracle they kept "Is this hyper-competent person really failing at everything he does?" to that single question without explaining it as well.
Posted in Dimension W | 3 Comments »
well the second episode has it up and downs so i say it was ok for me nothing good but not bad