K – Return of Kings #03 — Internet Points
October 16th, 2015
Frilly Kitty underwear.
Excruciatingly boring first 17 minutes consisting of nothing but talking heads once again. Is it really so hard to find a way to make things a little more dynamic and engaging, or is the budget so painfully stretched that three or four conversations is all that we can manage for 80% of the episode? Shiro reappearing is also not the thrilling event they seem to think it is, especially not after spending two entire episodes in freefall. He must've hit some wicked thermals. Also, why was there about 10 times as much build up for the fight that they spent less than 10 seconds on? Think, perhaps, we should've reversed those proportions?
It did show a little bit of life towards the end though, or more specifically, it showed some of the same animation and action from the first episode again, this time with purpose and context instead of a series of vignettes going nowhere and accomplishing nothing. Never stopped blathering over the entire thing in a casual drone of exposition though. This series continues to use dialogue like a cudgel, getting particularly bad when Kitty was doing her whole "Save us, Shiro!" bit, going as far as to explain that if Shiro did not appear out of thin air now after her one halfhearted attempt to do something, his boytoy would die. Only in an entire paragraph with tears and breasts quivering.
Next Episode:
Blowjobs for Shiro.
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