Concrete Revolutio #03 — The Robot Uprising is Now
October 18th, 2015
Look who found a little bit of budget in the closing seconds.
They held off on the chronological bouncing around just long enough to make me think that they had finally given up that gimmick, only for it to come back with a goddamned vengeance after the first third. This one was all about combining robots, which would lead to nuclear exposions or Perfect Cell. And it speaks to the intelligence of these robots that one, upon being told she was a bomb, didn't wait to actually find anything out, but immediately jumped into a lake and exploded. Although the entire middle chunk was really more about listening to them lay out all the info dumping for the entire bit. I actually had some hope at the start when Robocop was doing some actual leg work… except that the 'protagonists' had beaten him every step of the way and were just sitting around in a room having themselves a little discussion which eventually became a huge discussion.
Really, the only part of this episode of any real note was the last 30 seconds or so when someone laced the animator's M&M bowl with ecstasy. I think maybe they were chomping at the bit after all the info dumping this week and drawing the same exact square-jawed Justice Man with a different haircuts constantly. Doesn't help the fact that the most interesting part ended in a cliffhanger which by all appearances will not be addressed at all next week, instead apparently opting for an origin story though. It was certainly a step up from last week's clown ghost and his genocidal quest for friends, but I think I'd still have just take the day off/get a chunk taken out of the porn game(s) of the week than continue with either of these, and I can't imagine OPM is going to change that sentiment.
Next Episode:
Naked boys on islands.
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