Aquarion Logos #11 — Magical Disappearing Sand
September 10th, 2015
The writers really have given up.
I was bored. This was boring. I spent the entire thing wondering where it was going and the answer was bloody nowhere. Not a single character feels either integral or really invested in this, on either side of the fence. Oh sure, we’ll end things with We’re bringing things to an end! as a goddamned cliffhanger, some 14+ episodes before the show’s going to end, but nobody really has anything they’re actually fighting for or any really push for what they’re fighting against. Or as the start of the episode so boldly showed off for some inexplicable reason, any idea who they’re even fighting against. You can’t be that invested in the fight if nobody cares enough to be taking time off from school or work.
Anyway, this was an episode about extraneous characters, sitting around, interrupted by literally just Some Random Monster that just dumped sand on them until they got tired of it and with a single declaration, it all evaporated into thin air, so the world’s most throwaway antagonist could try to sell a cliffhanger by simply showing up in a black mech because it’s so evil. I don’t understand or see the purpose of anything that happened this week, or how it’s supposed to build up to anywhere. It’s not even episodic, so that’s out for an excuse too.
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