Aquarion Logos #10 — Silence is a Hermit Crab in a Salt Shaker
September 3rd, 2015
I suspect that was probably supposed to be a bell.
And right back to the same ol’, same ol’ we go. You probably don’t even need to hear anything else past “silence” being the name of the gimmick here (well, technically “sound”, but same thing) and you’d be able to write the rest of the episode yourself with absolutely no twists, turns, bizarre flashbacks, anything. Honestly, I kind of prefer the ridiculous flashback episode she had before where she was totally responsible for that kid dying hours later because she told him she didn’t want to marry him when she was 9. That was at least a pothole in the road that jars one out of the dull tedium that suffocates this series. No such luck here. They even fought a damn hermit crab stuffed inside a salt shaker for the obligatory “Oh no! Its power levels!” “No, you can do this!” “Oh, right, I can do this!” *CD shilling* *explosion of rainbows* *everything goes right back to how it was before*
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