Charlotte #04 — Remember Jam? Remember Baseball?

July 25th, 2015


Oh boy! An episode full of blatant rehashing from other series!


This began with a bald faced rehash of the jam bit from Kanon, so there was really nowhere for it to go but up. So, of course, it didn’t. Nothing grates more than comedy that doesn’t make you laugh (except perhaps melodrama that fails to evoke a single bit of emotion), and baseball bits are not new to either Maeda nor PA Works (nor Maeda WITH PA Works, lest we forget the awful Angel Beats baseball episode), and this was unambitious to say the least. Someone was using their powers to cheat at baseball, by dicking with the spin on the ball, so of course they end up playing a baseball game against him and using their powers to cheat. Blatantly. In front of twentyish people. And provided video documented proof of it to them. Let’s remember this the next time we start whinging on about how secret everything is and how bad it’d be if people found out about them.

I guess at least it was more firmly in the comedy camp than the last couple weeks, and less in the maudlin melodrama, but the comedy is still hamstrung by the main character’s degredation into spineless meatsack, and rehashing the hell out of the jokes wasn’t helping either, especially the idol’s crap. Oh, she did a little dance and made everyone drool over how great idols are. That, and bringing back the two faced but totally is cause it’s possession, thing are mines long since stripped barren, and now it’s just chafing painfully.   

Posted in Charlotte | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • kenuran says:

    So im wondering… do you hate Idols more than flashbacks?

    Also about the school that the cast goes to; who actually runs it? For a school that takes in kids with special powers you would think Professor X would at least be acknowledged for founding it or something.

    • Aroduc says:

      Can’t I hate both separately but equally? It’s not just idols really, they’re just the most common expression of Japanese media self-aggrandizement.

  • FlameStrike says:

    Gah yeah Jun Meadea REALLY loves his baseball. There was a whole baseball route in Clannad, it was a MAJOR THING in Little Busters, then it was used again in Angel Beats etc. I liked it during Clannad and Little Busters, but it gets OLD.

  • LUNI_TUNZ says:

    Using their Toys in public is bad enough, but wouldn’t palling around with a relatively famous idol, especially one previously being tailed for reasons effectively put big “HEY, HERE WE ARE, COME AND FIND US” targets on their backs?