Chaos Dragon #03 — Stop Shooting Yourself! Stop Shooting Yourself!
July 16th, 2015
Nope. Writing hasn’t gotten better in the month since I last watched this episode.
I already mostly watched this about a month ago when the first three episodes had that net broadcast, but I feel like I should at least check in since I haven’t yet dismissed it, although I don’t feel like I have much new to say. It only really comes to life when it really dives head first into ridiculousness, and that’s unfortunately far rarer than, say, Symphogear, it’s still wallowing in the angst without any particularly charismatic character or quest to give a good reason to be invested, and it loves to fall back on magical girl posing and then a column of fire. This episode didn’t even have that; just a large big and murdering some mooks who dared shoot at Chesty’s inane metal land-flippers. For all its flitting around from place to place and travel montages, it still doesn’t really feel like it’s making much progress towards its goal of… uh… fulfill dragon destiny and defeat the empire or whatever.
Consider this a note of stay of execution, I guess, mostly because Logos is similarly continuing its aggressive mediocrity, but at least the two are being incredibly mediocre in somewhat different ways.
Next Episode:
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