Braves of the Seven Flowers #04 — Show Me Your Special Place
July 25th, 2015
Oh hey, look who finally reached their premise blurb.
There’s something slightly endearing about the way Adlet throws dirt in people’s faces and then immediately crouches down to grab more dirt. It is a little weird how he’s the only one really being characterized well during the actual action scenes though, but that could be because he seems to monopolize the animation budget, leaving the rest to make due with CGI, waving arms around randomly while standing still, and swinging ‘heavy’ giant blade-things like they’re windsurfing sails. I know you can animate Bunnyhead, guys. You did it when she went crazy and started slashing at invisible owls or whatever.
The show’s continuing to improve at least, especially through the first half, although I reserve every right to take that back depending on how much of the second half they spend on standing around arguing. It already kind of dragged its heels to the ending after the aforementioned invisible owls incident with the parade of the rest of the heroes wandering in and introductions, re-introductions, and unnecessary descriptions of them all around, and about two minutes spent between “there are seven” and “ergo, one must be a poser and an enemy”, not to mention the truly bizarre spin around them that was making me seasick. But it’s a good thing that they panned up the chest of the obligatory D-cup, otherwise I might not have noticed.
Next Episode:
Posted in Rokka | 5 Comments »
Title of the ending song implies the princess is the fake saint, if that is true she has been manipulating everyone, gotta love that twist, she was annoying, glad she is not the one dimensional bimbo she has showed so far.