Aquarion Logos #05 — Masterful Photoshopping
July 30th, 2015
More giant ribbons on your bikini. More.
Aaah, the mid-season doldrums, where we’ve exhausted our premise and are now settling into padding things out with as much insipidness as possible before having to actually do anything with anybody. And always at the top of that list is the swimsuit episode, but we’ll make the girls all huddle together, topless, for warmth. I’m not even sure how or why they were in a cave in the first place. “Here we are on this beach surrounded by businesses and buildings, but… Oh no! The antagonist has stolen away ‘summer’. Not even, like, heat, or the sun, or the beach, but the very concept of summer. That sounds like it should be the plot of Ferris Bueller vs the Evil Principal Wizards. Anyway, instead of running to civilization, let’s go hide in a goddamned cave. You deserve to freeze to death.
Posted in Logos | 3 Comments »
Is it me or are “newer” anime becoming predictable and formulaic enough that you know when and how they’ll introduce a beach or a hot springs episode near the middle of the season.