Show By Rock! #06 — Racist Eggs
May 10th, 2015
I’d take more of those over all the feelings BS this episode was spewing.
How utterly anti-climatic. Five minutes of the guitar expositing and then everything’s wrapped up aside from some blushing and hand-wringing about really, really, really, caring about things. For realsie reals, guys. It wasn’t even fanservicey, despite the cold open that said everything was resolved. Why’d they even go to the beach at all then? It also probably doesn’t help that they decided to turn the whole situation into a joke with alien girl confessing to them her secrets too and everyone ignoring her until she dropped a rocket on her head.
It’s not like spats between friends are an inherantly bad concept, but by stretching out about five minutes of content across multiple episodes and making them treat it like one of them ate the other’s puppies and sulking the entire time, you’re giving so much undue importance to what is just a little spat about goddamned nothing, while not even actually doing anything with the characters with it. Cyan is still cat Jesus, unable to do any real wrong, and her inherant goodness is enough to make them forgive her having… again, not told Blondie that she might move away and her horrible sin of thinking that killing the giant monsters that threaten them all is more important than a concert. Cause, you know, they’re just such good friends. Gag me.
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