Punch Line #07 — Let’s Do the Time Warp Again
May 21st, 2015
And again, and again, and again.
At this point, it’d take a miracle to convince me that they didn’t start out with the premise and then think to themselves “What is the most convoluted, twisty, nonsensical backstory we can give all these characters?” The ol’ Penguindrum schtick, although with all the body swapping and time travel, maybe Kingdom Hearts is a better parallel. In either case, forgetting that the story in the present has been going absolutely nowhere… and in fact, has gone backwards. Not helping is that half the episode was frittered away on reliving the hilarious bits where he (not changing my pronoun) stops himself from seeing panties, only to see more panties. It’s hilarious because it’s repeated and totally so self-aware. Ha. Ha. Ha. And then the cliffhanger where he… gets the costume to become the guy that last episode told us he was going to be. How is this a surprise to end the episode on? Have the writers been mainlining absinthe?
I guess the big ‘twist’, if you can even call it that in this convoluted, knotted mess trying to pass for (non) plot threads, is that the trio of magical children are all body swapped with each other with laser-focused amnesia and a bit of handwaving over how the soul at the very center of the goddamned show is the same as the ‘wrong’ host body. Why does it even matter? Hell if I know. Why should I care? Ditto. What does this change or what purpose does it serve? See previous statement. This is not a twist. This is not a gotcha reveal. It’s just convolution for convolution’s sake. He could have been revealed to actually be Abraham Lincoln and it’d still have as much impact, although at least then, it could pass for gag. If this show’s writing was a knock knock joke, it’d be:
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Interrupting cow.
Interrupting cow who?
Posted in Punch Line | 8 Comments »
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