Show By Rock #03 — Thinly Veiled Virginity Metaphor
April 19th, 2015
Maybe if they stopped going on about it being their first time…
Or took down the “Don’t touch me” sign in the locker room.
Another kind of aimless episode, still lacking the drug-fueled madness of the first one. There was a short bit on how the blonde one is antisocial, some godawful exposition to pad out the time explaining what contests are, in particular that the winners of contests get prizes for winning contests, the protagonists all announced their gimmick/life ambition once again, and some other band had to go through a bunch of their own pithy introductions with everyone announcing what super stars they are. Then, of course, the traditional creepy CGI concerts.
You know, I was hoping that these things would involve a lot more giant skeletons. At the very least, large belligerent zombies. Not simply playing music for funsies and butts, mostly butts. Instead, we’re getting the ol’ bait and switch so far and the same awful idol schlock with girls squirming over whether they can be good enough friends for most of the episode before one goes “We’re friends” or “Gotta try out best” and that resolves everything in a tsunami of blushing. It just has really weird character designs and creepy mouthless CGI.
Next Episode:
Still no giant skeletons.
Posted in Show By Rock | 2 Comments »
Well, thats a lot New faces.. I hope this Show is okay with that…