Seraph of the End #03 — Let Me Explain This For You
April 18th, 2015
Enough with the goddamned exposition already.
About 16 minutes of the episode was utterly hollow exposition and another couple minutes was a chirpy dream of dead kids reminding us of how dead they are with yet more boy on boy nuzzling action. We’re three episodes in. I don’t even know if I should be more insulted by them thinking they need to explain every single little detail two or three times, or that they put absolutely no effort into backing up almost any of it with the characters and events. I guess at least the budget, such as it is, is holding up. There’s still a chance they could put together a decent fight, a hope Friday’s godawful ‘action’ shows destroyed for them.
And it’s not like there isn’t stuff here that they could have done something with. They toss out lip service to how badass the protagonist is, after getting his ass easily kicked. They talk about how weak the protagonist’s ‘heart’ is, not actually ever showing him giving in to his temper (and instead immediately overcoming the harsh trial of a marginally bad dream). They make the empty claim that the school is some kind of cruel experiment and show that by doing absolutely nothing. Strip out all the exposition, and you have “guy wanders into room, protagonist knocks evil axe out of his hands, everyone applauds how amazing he is.”
Next Episode:
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Anime is expensive, exposition is cheap.