Yatterman Night #11 — It’s a Joke About VHS
March 22nd, 2015
Because remember when you had to rewind tapes? Hilarious!
It took this episode ten minutes to get to the plan to enslave humans under the name of the defeated Yatterman as revenge. That’s how little the show thinks of its audience’s intelligence. I’m pretty sure most of us figured that out at least eleven episodes ago, but hey, sure, let’s spend half an episode explaining that. Then it doubled down on that by him revealing that human misery is what makes the antagonist immortal. Now we can extra look forward to ‘being happy’ or ‘friendship power’ or ‘hope’ as what wins the day in the end!
As long as we’re going through the godawful reveals this episode, there’s also Red going into a series of flashbacks revealing that he he’s the cyborgized father of Blindy, bringing that whole inexplicable schtick with him to its inexplicable end. I think we needed to have a little more interaction with… well, any character for that to have even come close to working. They also press ganged and cyborgized her dog just because, apparently. I also guess that mom’s simply not worth mentioning.Â
Posted in Yatterman | 6 Comments »
The original Yatterman on that VHS looked way better than this.