Maria the Virgin #10 — The Wafflepalooza

March 15th, 2015


That was 15 minutes well spent.


Yay! We’re in padding time! After Viv gets lanced out of the sky in the first minute and a half of the episode, you might as well skip the next 15 because it’s all the same pissing around as always basically boiling down to comically evil characters saying “Do what I say and maybe you’ll get what you want,” and each protagonist getting insecure and waffly over it. The worst is probably the ‘threat’ that people will start hating and perscuting witches. I don’t think you’re living in the middle of the woods with nobody but your obviously in-heat-cat-girl-who-makes-the-boy-priest-have-funny-thoughts-about-cats because you’re the belle of the ball, lady. The whole time, I’m just stuck wondering why nobody simply goes and breaks Maria out. Everyone knows exactly where she is. Familiars are coming and going constantly. What’s keeping one of them from showing up with a monster for a little snatch and grab?

Which, of course, is what they eventually do, but not until they can do it in the middle of the day in front of dozens of guards, around crowds of bystanders, and during a battle so that they can juxtapose it with all the super serious death and horror of war. As in blithely ignore it going on. Also, instead of efficiently jumping in, grabbing her, and saving the bitchy whining for later, they have to do it in front of everybody. Yeah, I think we all know couples like that. And yes, Maria still has the yips, or the quasi-rapes, or whatever is wrong with her, so all she did this week was stew in melancholy. Again.

Next Episode:


Can we go back a moment and appreciate that Drunko VonRapey threw Blando the horns?

Posted in Maria the Virgin | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Germanguy says:

    This Episode was for the Action fans

    and looks like they judge God to lightly here. Okay, it is for the Anime. But then how we explain Jesus?

  • Sanjuro says:

    Thank god I’m not the only one with funny thoughts about cats.

  • Germanguy says:

    I read also in reddit about this

    And i suspect, that someone will use this showing of the Christians here for true words, and flame over the Church

    Well, it happened in the 100 Years War (actually 1337-1453), today is 2015.

    I hope, that the Writers here take good care about Arc Angel Michael’s Word. All other is “History”, but his Words is value until Today. The Way God think about Humanity…

    Michael’s Lines can even today shake Worlds of Belief. i bet some Countries will have their Problems with his Actions, not the “Earth Church” because this is History, the Heaven Church