Maria the Virgin #08 — Don’t Forget to Steal the Shoes
March 1st, 2015
That was an odd bit of realism in an episode introducing cyborgism.
So much for the uptick last week. This episode was a gigantic waste of time. The two events of any note were A.) The guy who lost his arm last week is now a cyborg… because of course he is why else would anybody lose an arm in a piece of Japanese media and B.) Grandma is siiiiiick and that’s the end of the wooooorld. I might be able to shrug off her illness/drug fueled recanting if not for every character in every piece of Japanese, but especially this one, immediately accepting anything that’s said to them as the word of God, putting up maybe some token resistance or “It can’t be!” before swallowing it whole.
And speaking of which, the rest of the episode is Maria going into another funk of insecurity and shame from another fantastic argument. You see, it’s great to get rid of plague and war, but she’s not supposed to be the one to do it. Leaving aside the episodes where she was sent into a funk of insecurity and shame by being told that you can never get rid of war, I fail to see how this is anything new. I’m also pretty sure she ‘overcame’ this in flashbacks already while being stoned, but she must react to literally everything by pensively staring at the floor and feeling sorry for herself, so that’s what she proceeded to do once more.
Next Episode:
Other witches.
Posted in Maria the Virgin | 8 Comments »
I thought this was an excellent episode, even if it lacked action. I like seeing consequences start to accumulate, so I didn’t share any of your misgivings here.