GARO #18 — Blood From a Stone
February 13th, 2015
Status quo! Status quo! Status quo!
The prevailing thought that went into this episode was assuredly “If we draw out an emotional scene for an additional 20 minutes, it’ll be even more extra emotional.” They couldn’t even commit well to that though, as Leon just wanders up to Alfy (whose spider sense was telling him he needed to be somewhere) and goes “We must kung-fu fight.” Why? Cause being strong, yo. Christ. If you had skipped the intervening 15 minutes you might have actually had something with a little weight and tension to the outcome… which they didn’t even have the decency to show because then they might have a protagonist winner and loser, instead cutting to post-coital abandonment.
The truly shocking part was how much effort the animators put into the completely pointless fight scene and then the yodeling plant awkwardly jammed into the end of the episode. I wish they did half as much for fighting the random la-z-boy-with-gimp-strapped-to-it of the week in all the other episodes. Again though, with nothing on the line but maybe a bruised ego (and a little viney molestation), who cares? The only tension that could have possibly existed was if you thought that maybe he had been taken over by the evil him or whatever, which he showed no signs of, and even that was flashbacked out of the question.
Next Episode:
Oh, it’s that other female that also hasn’t done jack.
Posted in GARO | 1 Comment »
Oh boy. It took half of this 2nd cour just to get back to where we were just before the end of the 1st cour. Will Leon stop being his usual mopey self? Not likely now that his girl is dead. Only allowed one episode ever of Leon not being mopey after all. More death flags for Dad just like in the 1st cour? You got it. At least he got some from Xiemina. You can tell shes a freak in the sheets with how she kept kissing German and in the end, thats the best thing to take away from this episode.
I guess a “Happy Valentines Day” would be a good way to address my impression of this episode.