Death Twister #06 — Enough About Goddamned Idols, Japan
February 13th, 2015
This is one of the last places I expected yet more “Idols are the best ever!” crap.
What scares me is that a comic relief fanservice episode is the closest the show has come to an episode without any overt misogyny. Instead, the female is just a boy band-obsessed Japanese version of a valley girl imbecile set against the adonis that she worships, but she ended up being willing to sacrifice herself for his greater glory, so… uh… I guess we’re moving up? I mean, aside from the woman that slept with him in order to kill him out of revenge because… her sister killed herself for breaking up with her? But the wailing soliloquy wasn’t even about dumping her, it was because she was a fan and he was mean to her, thus setting her on the inevitable path to suicide. Your connection here is a little tenuous. God knows what’d happen if someone like Bieber ever went to Japan. The entire population of 15 year old girls would probably kill themselves the first time he got high and pissed on a Hello Kitty-themed fire hydrant. And yes, if you’re going to make a big dramatic scene out of it, get all your damn ducks in a row, punchline at the end or not. There was nothing ironic at all about that melodrama in the middle of things.
What really gets my goat though, is how disturbingly inaccurate their twister mat is. For one, that thing is goddamned gigantic. And of course, since this is a piece of Japanese media, pop stars are the glorious superhumans who are capable of any feat of anything. One might take that as a parody if it wasn’t what every single piece of anime with pop idols did. So like the pastel hearts and flowers exploding every time she looked at him, it was less a joke and more just sticking to the party line, and boy, do I never get tired of hearing about how awesome pop idols are!
Posted in Death Parade | 12 Comments »
I’m starting to think that either you hate fun or this episode was too deep for you.
Both are frightening perspectives.
Or maybe you’re Ginti. That I could accept. It would explain so, so many things.