Fafner #03 — Positronic Jeffries Tubes Destabilizer Harmonics

January 22nd, 2015


Throw in some shots of a fetus too. Fetuses are deep.


This episode was a little different from the massively padded last couple at least, but I remain uninterested. I just don’t have a thread to grab at to anchor me to… well, anything. The plot is an almost endless stream of technobabble and the characters that exist outside of that disappear from the episode with the same abruptness that they appear. This episode didn’t even have any action. I got the distinct impression that I was actually watching three or four different episodes here that had somehow gotten spliced together. I feel like I need to be keeping meticulous notes just to have the faintest idea what’s going on, and the dozen scruffy teenagers, all with similar personalities and appearances certainly isn’t helping. Now, I’m not saying every character needs to have a different gigantic ‘do with hair all the colors of the rainbow, because lord knows I barely keep Cross Ange’s stable of lesbians straight (*ba-dum*), but it wouldn’t hurt.

I don’t think it was as boring as the last two Tokyo Paperwork episodes, but it’s so cloaked under the fog of obfuscation that I’m honestly not sure. Either way, I’m about tapped out here.


Posted in Fafner | 4 Comments »

4 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • wtf says:

    My difficulty is it being nearly 10 1/2 fucking years since I watched the original and OVA (missed the movie) and the only plot point I remember is half the cast dying. Need to rewatch…

    • Aroduc says:

      Having been pre-exposed to the technobabble to be able to apply some kind of context besides technobabbling would probably help, but still wouldn’t solve the issues with the characters. Unless they’re recurring too, but I’ve gotten the impression that they’re not.

      • Anonymous says:

        Most of the characters, aside from the three new candidates at the end of this episode and the Human Army guys, are all from either the original series or the film. I’m following a bit better because I only just watched the first series and film last year, but I admit this is probably not a good show to watch if this is your first exposure to it.