Death Parade #02 — What a More Twists!
January 16th, 2015
Oh good. Nothing I love more than rehashing.
This is very nearly the last thing that I wanted from this show. Well, the last thing would for the next episode to turn into a competitive game of Candyland where they spend 15 minutes going over the rules, 5 minutes looking for the pieces, and then one of them has to forfeit because they somehow got a Monopoly racecar stuck up their nose. On second thought, I think I would have preferred that. It would have involved less of the writers masturbating to themselves.
An entire episode spent on explaining how extra clever they were in the previous episode, which basically amounts to “Maybe she was faking a hysterical fit after all because she seemed kind of sad.” Sure, he might have killed them both, revealed that he resents her and her marriage is collapsing, and killed her unborn child (she’s a woman, she knows), but that’s nothing she’d hold against him for even a moment, right? She’s the perfect, devoted wife, sacrificing herself for his sake solely so that his feelings don’t get hurt. More. He’s the real evil, being all resentful just because she slept around. Instead of putting up any kind of cogent counter argument, our robot protagonist slash self-insert avatar just goes “Oh, I guess the writers hoo-mans are so much smarter than me.” Not winning yourselves any points, guys.
If this wasn’t anime, I’d even say the whole thing was meta wankery to the extreme. Lord knows the blogosphere, pretentious find-meaning-in-every-little-moronic-thing as they are, is full of this kind of theory crafting. I got more of that kind of nonsense than I could stomach just by glancing around to see how others reacted to Eggboy returning from the dead in Aldnoah. A little ambiguity, fine. Let the people who want to analyze every little mud puddle in case it turns out to contain the lost city of Atlantis splash around in the mud. Did we need an entire episode jerking themselves off to that possibility? Good god no.
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