Yuuki Yuuna #07 — Obligatory Episode
November 20th, 2014
Oh no. Not more deadly deadly triangles. Some time later.
I believe I’ve made my attitude towards this show’s shenanigans episodes clear, and this was just the obligatory one with Obligatory Beach and Obligatory Lesbianing in Obligatory Hot Spring before Obligatory Sleepover in Obligatory Inn. I think it’s a franchise in Japan. The only thing even vaguely of note in the entire affair came after the ED played, and it was the shocking reveal that three episodes into the series (only counting episodes that contained content), the world was not saved and yet more battles awaited. I guess maybe you could count their senses not coming back yet as they ‘expected’ (and as the entire audience knew they wouldn’t) as sort of something, but let’s remember that the second episode’s great triumph was a paraplegic girl overcoming the ingrained helplessness that all people in wheelchairs are burdened with, so do forgive me if I don’t feel very into the harsh suffering of poor depth perception or the already quiet girl of the bunch talking even less.
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All is well when suddenly Guts appeared naked…