November 19th, 2014
This episode was about 90% padding and 20% stupid.
For the interested, Eushully announced their next game, some manner of SRPG (thank god) with a musical theme and an obnoxious-looking mascot character, like someone said “Boy, Polyphonica is the bee’s knees. We’ve got to get in on that market.” And by musical theme, I mean one of the characters is wearing a piano hat, piano cape, piano socks, wields a piano chainsaw, but can’t afford pants. The main characters also apparently form a band consisting of a soprano sax, cello, and harp. Jethro Tull, eat your heart out.
I think the worst thing about Frederika is that they (she, really) keep bringing up how they could just use her to immediately solve everything, and then either make up a half-assed excuse not to, or skip that part entirely. This week took the former approach which was undercut a little bit by the reason being “We don’t know where the corpse parts are” and then literally five seconds later, going “Found them!”, but then proceeding to just drop it entirely. However, that pales in comparison to the greatest plot hole this show has ever offered. They signed up as a team of three, but instead joined the tournament as two different teams of two. Talk about breaking suspension of disbelief. Where could they even get a random extra piece of red cloth? At least they didn’t do anything as stupid as having jail bars deflect a sword attack. That would have looked really goddamned moronic.
I don’t even know why Older Brother Figure from their past showed up at the start since he proceeded to then disappear entirely. Apparently he was just an excuse for them to give a speech about being mercenaries, and… uh… That also comprised about half the action for the episode, as despite all the noise and furor, the ‘deadly’ chaotic melee was immediately stopped for a conversation, and then if that wasn’t enough, we left it entirely to sit in on a meeting that could only have been made less interesting if someone had started reciting Robert’s Rules. But then it was back to… more conversations about how Chaika definitely wants to get the body parts. Christ, guys. At least have the triplets make out or something.
Next Episode:
Oh boy. More grunts and talking heads.
Posted in Chaika | 12 Comments »
“This episode was about 90% padding and 20% stupid.”
Even better than DKC.