Akame #22 — Big Daddy

November 30th, 2014


Pulling that out of their ass must have hurt.


The biggest twist was that Mine didn’t get the obligatory five minute maudlin sendoff that every single other character, no matter how trivial, has gotten. I admit that I was doubtful that they would have actually killed her, not because of anything serving the plot or characters, but because they didn’t haul out the forty piece orchestra, light bloom enough to blind a supernova, and eyedrops.

Anyway, pretty much the same episode as usual. Faffing about, two characters go “We must kung fu fight,” some flashbacks, some half-assed action constantly interrupted by posing and posturing, one dies. Whoopie doo. The big twist to appease fans of lesbian incest was having a Big Daddy show up out of nowhere, forcing the two of them to briefly team up. Actually, the bigger twist may have been the faffing about over “It’s obviously a trap,” and then it wasn’t a trap in the slightest. It couldn’t have been any less of a trap. They just met in a church in the middle of nowhere and kung fu fought until the writers went “The protagonist wins because she’s the protagonist.” At least try, people.

My question is why do all the storm troopers suddenly have SMGs? Not two or three episodes ago, they were taking on the greatest magical assassins in all the land with pointy sticks. Killed one of them with them too. Look forward to next week when apparently the last boss is going to be a giant guy in a cape. Huzzah.

Next Episode:

Do you know how long it takes to make a cape that large? Probably not very.

Posted in Akame | 5 Comments »

5 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • dororoninpo18 says:

    Thought it would be a double ko. Guess I was wrong

  • Chipp12 says:

    >until the writers went “The protagonist wins because she’s the protagonist.”
    Or maybe because the other one was dying anyway.

  • algorithm says:

    “the last boss is going to be a giant guy in a cape”

    That’s obviously a giant jobber. Ice Scream is obviously last boss.

  • The Phantom says:

    How comes ridiculously overpowered ice chick is not the last boss? Why do I have the feeling that she is teaming up with her mortal enemies against this deus giant thing?.