Akame #20 — Let Me Tell You How Comically Evil I Am
November 16th, 2014
Good. The ‘fight’ was boring me anyway.
Same ol’, same ol’. Action scene crippled by posturing, misplaced sentimentality for a character that has been so inconsequential that none has ever existed, and still rising no greater than “We are in the same 500 meter area… Let us kung fu fight!”, not to mention the usual poor animation. I think my favorite part was the swarm of dumbasses that just stood around the battle watching the entire time. Or would have if they weren’t wearing their hoods over their faces. …Or if the director/animators forgot they existed so they suddenly blipped out of existence entirely between scene changes only to be summoned back when the awesome censoring appeared. Or maybe it was Tatsumi being defeated by Some Guy shouting. That was also a spectacular bit of fighting.
Next Episode:
Is it over yet?
Posted in Akame | 11 Comments »
its going for an original anime ending.
they skipped an entire new group, their fights, and string guy died a different way