Unlimited Blade Works #02 — Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah
October 21st, 2014
*blank stare*
This is exactly what I didn’t want to see and what turned me away from F-Zero. Well, that and all the undulating CGI everywhere. An entire episode talking heads, including Kotomine at one point simply walking a lap around Shirou for no explicable reason in the middle of his lecture. Not even conversations, just one-sided blather while the non-participants simply stared like budgerigars. And possibly weirdest of all, Shirou just sitting there the entire time in a blood-soaked shirt. At no point did he think to himself “Uh, I’m covered in my own juices, maybe I should change.” And this is Japanese media, where spilling a glass of water is often used as an excuse to pull off someone’s shirts or pants. To say nothing of the staining. If you’re just going to let biological goop sit on clothes for that long, you’re never getting the stain out. Took my suspension of disbelief right out of everything.
Someone better damn bludgeon something or someone else next week.
Posted in UBW | 9 Comments »
How could one not like captain falcon?
Dat Rin booty! Dandy would celebrate its existence.