Unlimited Blade Works #00b — “Here’s Our Pool. Isn’t It Disgusting?”

October 4th, 2014


You are showing me this… why?


Oh goodie. They’ve found a new trick for their padding repertoire. Montages. At least one of them had CGI people and unrelated conversation with Rin and Archer. Did someone point out how you had already exceeded your twenty-five minute allotment of talking heads for the week, guys? Was that the problem? Poor babies. I’d hate to have your screenwriters have to start trying. So yes, the first half continued to unsurprisingly be as boring as hell and moved with all the drive of sludge mixed with gruel.

Things did pick up in the second half finally, but I reserve the right to retract the statement when they inevitably go through the exact same thing from Shirou’s point of view next week. The fight between Archer and Lancer was the most impressive action scene of the season so far by a country mile, and even Rin’s scramble away from Lancer was better done than anything else I’ve seen this week. Which isn’t to say that there’s not plenty of room for improvement. Like F-Zero, it continues to have a problem with people standing around jawing at each other for long… long… periods of time, which was even more obtrusive here since it was just Lancer carrying on a conversation with himself for about three straight minutes. Not to mention a couple inexplicable cutaways to pan over random parts of the school in the middle of the fight. “By the way guys, here’s the scummy pool. Just thought you might want to see that. You want to see more? No? Well, check out these lockers. Okay, back to the fight.” It also doesn’t change that it took almost thirty-five excruciatingly boring minutes to get there, and I’m betting thirty-five more excruciating minutes to get there again next week.

Posted in UBW | 6 Comments »

6 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • jingoi says:

    There is only one way I’m going to watch Rin do stuff without Mela’s voice and involves Rin’s lingerie and a lack of clothing.

  • Sanjuro says:

    Aroduc, you are the bone of my sword.

    Expect that every week.

  • FlameStrike says:

    Damn UFOtable was exhaustive! They realllllllllllly adapted the hell out of Fate/stay night. Almost all the details from the visual novel were put in for maximum padding effect. Even the details from the fight! Pretty amazing in it’s own right.

    I have to agree with Aroduc that talking head syndrome is high. You’d have to be a big Rin fan to enjoy Rin doing lol slice of life things, or a F/sn VN fanatic and enjoy picking out the details from the VN they put in. (consequently I’m both XD)If you don’t fall into the above categories most of this episode will be very boring. The fight was really well done so I think it’s worth watching, but others might disagree.

    Anyway UBW is looking good so far. It has more or less the same flaws and strengths of Fate/zero so if you didn’t like that, then be prepared.