Twin Tails #02 — “Let’s Have Them Play Jenga”

October 21st, 2014


“Great! That’s enough comedy writing for the week. Everyone go home.”

I’ll catch up with everything over the next couple days. Probably do 3-4 in the morning and a couple more in the afternoon/evening.


What an inauspicious start to the catch-up mini marathon. Two thirds of it was almost entirely exposition, to the point where they actually showed them looking up the definition to words. Just… sitting in a circle, giving out a goddamned lecture. Didn’t even bother to prepare power point slides. The aliens were the closest thing to humor going on in the episode and that was all of about two jokes and maybe 5% of the run time. The closest thing to a joke on the protagonist side was “My mother is unnaturally understanding,” so basically the same mother cut and pasted from every single comedy show ever.

So much for the inklings of parody I saw last week. What little existed in the second half was just some blandness almost certainly copy pasted from Ranma. I kept waiting during the alien announcement thing for them to show them broadcasting into a bathroom or WcDonalds to make the obvious joke, but apparently “Aliens play Jenga,” was the only comedy budgeted for the episode. Even less was given for the action this time around as well, so I guess that leaves the (lack of) comedy as the driving force here. Great.

Next Episode:

Girl 2 gets her powers.

Posted in Twin Tails | 3 Comments »

3 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • jingoi says:

    If tailblue would:
    1.admit she wants MC’s D to MC
    2.after #1 drop all romance bs, stick to everything else.
    I could watch this.

    • algorithm says:

      Just remove blue altogether. This show doesn’t need characters who yell half of their lines.

  • algorithm says:

    Those toku monsters are actually the best thing in this show.