Parasyte #04 — “Let Me Explain Our Entire Plan”
October 29th, 2014
And it worked!
While Chaika is at least ‘amusing’ me with its turn into horrifyingly poor writing, this is just boring the hell out of me with its… well, boring direction, and my patience with it has just about run out. Lazy is probably more accurate, as while I’m not familiar with the source, good god, the self-narration was a thing to behold this week and it has the foul stench of being copy/pasted right from the standard overly wordy bits of nonsense. Especially through the first half when people were narrating every single little thing with pipes sticking out their chests, which, might I add, apparently also gives them a power up because as soon as he had it in him, he was able to defeat that super ultimate perfect defense (aka DBZ-like flurry looped ‘fight’) that their imbecilic plan relied on. You know, it’s a cliche, especially in the western world, that if you explain your entire plan beforehand, it always goes wrong. There have been entire television shows based around this one concept. The reason for this is that the alternative is boring as hell, as this very ably demonstrated.Â
Anyway, that was what could charitably be called the highlight of the episode. Most of the rest was spent on posturing around about how various characters leaving was important; his parents and the teacher brainsnatcher. The former are just wandering off because they apparently think that they’re in a soap opera because good god, are they melodramatic bitches. They threw a tantrum (to sad piano) about a teenager not talking to them. The latter just didn’t want to deal with teachers and/or the PTA about being pregnant, and was happy to let every live for that old standby cop out of “the protagonist seems interesting.” And yet was more than happy to murder her host’s mother in her host’s apartment and then presumably disappear. Luckily, police don’t exist, and besides, if they did, I’m sure they wouldn’t want to look for her, either as a suspect or missing person. That’d be much less of a hassle than some parents talking behind your back anyway, so another genius plan from the world’s smartest brain eater.
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These shows you mentioned. What are they?
Research reasons.