GARO #05 — Terror of the Catterfish
October 31st, 2014
Back to awful monster design already?
I’ve made my general dislike of the prince and his side of things well known, and as expected, this was entirely a prince episode. The real protagonists were off having a nap because it was that time of the month for the moon vampire head they revere, so it was having a reverse period. Christ, what a sentence. I think the most disappointing part of the episode was the rather dry and dull reveal that Princey gets his super powers not from the dad sleeping around, but from his mother, dad’s sister in law. I guess that doesn’t really preclude him from having banged her too, but I don’t know why they’d pull “secretly sisters separated at birth (that everyone knows about)” card if so. Especially after usurping her on the claim of sleeping around on her decrepit husband.
Anyway, Prince Valium did his boring thing as if we were rebooting things from the first episode. Exposition about horrors and training from a man that looked like someone roped a few logs together (and had the personality of a few logs roped together), hunt some grunts, feebly whack a caterfish. Even with all the bondage foes previous, this one was especially awful. It literally just sat there while Valium whacked it a few times. Didn’t even react. Hell, even when Logman did his CGI transformation indicating that it was now a real fight, all it sort of did was turn toward him and loom. Damn thing didn’t even attack. I’m not sure it could have. Just ate some random guy so there’d be a reason to angst afterward.
Next Episode:
Puberty threatens Red.
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