Cross Ange #04 — Merrie Melodies
October 25th, 2014
Ahhhh, back to the comedy.
I chuckled to myself when the episode started with the bitchy girls hazing Nu-Ange for being the instant badass of the group and knocking them out of the way to kill dragons and thought “What is this, a corny highschool?” But that was only a prelude of what was to come because the entire first half was basically an episode of Looney Tunes. They kept coming up with wacky childish pranks to totally put her in her place which always exploded in their faces. Eventually, Red escalated things (including putting a tack on her seat…), which ended up with Ange crash landed and naked and tied up in a strange man’s bed. It remains to be seen whether penile exposure was just a fortunate happenstance or a part of their comical master plan.
It was kind of a dull episode besides all the wacky antics though. Ange herself was kind of like the appendix of the episode; present, but not really serving much of a purpose except that she’s changed from Noisy Bitch to Impassive Bitch. You’d think that either people sticking up for her or her recklessly screwing up their formations and tackling people out of the way would be more cause for… something besides pie throwing shenanigans, but I guess you can’t argue with off-screen results!
Next Episode:
Maybe a little penis is exactly what she needed.
Posted in Cross Ange | 10 Comments »
If you call this comedy if mean you are sociopatch or just a jerk
You are literally worse than DAN VS