CROSS ANGE #02 — Because You Can Never Have Enough Lesbian Rape

October 11th, 2014


And then she just plops the eye back in and goes back to raping.


Oh god. They’re not dragons, they’re DRAGONs… because it’s a goddamned acronym. They just happen to look like dragons apparently. Who thought that was a good idea? I’m… just going to ignore that. Along with forcing her into a kindergarten class to learn about them. Don’t they have like… a textbook to give her instead? It was a pretty predictible episode, weighed down a bit by the constant flashbacks. Apparently lacrosse made her a natural sky biker. Not entirely sure where she picked up the CQC though. Or why they’d need it while fighting DRAGONs.

I’m also starting to wonder if sexual violence is just going to be this show’s thing. Or maybe Ange just needs to be raped/nearly raped every episode. I can’t even tell what the broadcast bars were censoring. Because like the also obligatory ‘horrific’ end moment of the only person who was niiiice to heeer rocketing off from her lower half in a torrent of blood, I was rolling my eyes and chuckling. Noooo! Not pudding girl! At least it’s doing a passable job of carrying the humor this season, something I can’t say about the actual comedies. 

Next Episode:

She’s deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeead.

Posted in Cross Ange | 7 Comments »

7 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • wtfwtf says:

    Moar jam needed.

    This really is Sunrise in full troll mode – the worst excesses of SEED, Geass, Valvrape and so many others rolled into one uber-trainwreck.

    Love it so far.

    • Raider says:

      To be honest, this seems way closer to Queen’s Blade, Freezing or Ikkitousen than to any of those shows, going by the screen shots.

      Even Sunrise’s own all-girls series like Mai-Hime or Mai-Otome were a little different, most of the time.

      Then again, I think the term “trainwreck” is also misused. This is just a horrible show, not even worth watching.

      • FlameStrike says:

        XD it seems pretty trainwreck to me. It’s absolutely terrible but hilarious to watch.

  • wtfwtf says:

    I’m not going by the screenshots, I’m going by watching it. It even has Mitsuo Fukuda’s grubby mitts involved and the OP is awfully reminiscent of SEED Destiny, the main mechs is a Freedom rip-off too. The pseudo political bollocks has Geass all over it. The Valvrave ‘shock’ moments, check. Trainwreck may be overused but this will be a shining example – maybe ‘clusterfuck’ is a better term. All it has in common with the Mai series, QB, Freezing and Ikkitousen is, well, tits.

  • says:

    Lesbians , fanservice and monsters.
    Japan love it, sure is a exit.

  • algorithm says:

    I hope the porn will be good.

  • Benigmatica says:

    Needs more “Boku Janai” every single time Ange gets humiliated…