Nozaki #02 — And Now For a Musical Interlude

July 13th, 2014


And of course she has a ridiculous nickname, because that’s totally a thing anybody has done ever.


I… guess I’d still rather watch this than the two other pure comedies airing on Sunday, but I’m not on board. While it did add two more characters to expand its repertoire of humor, it only added about three to four new jokes which it then repeated the hell out of as well before the character then disappeared again for the episode. It hasn’t gained any form of structure or direction at all and is still firmly in the utterly inorganic tour de cast mode, so there’s nothing here but the jokes more or less in isolation.  Is the barest minimum of storytelling really so much to ask for instead of simply stumbling around aimlessly? There are some that are okay, but they’re too infrequent, it’s utterly unaware that it’s splashing around in the same bad cliches it’s trying to make fun of, and it goes to the same punchlines far too often.  

Next Episode:

The tour of characters continues.

Posted in Anime | 1 Comment »

One Lonely Comment

  • Fate says:

    When is the what to watch guide coming out? I need to know what is worth seeing.