Akame #03 — Paint By the Numbers
July 20th, 2014
Not unexpected, but still a very boring and by the book episode, although this is probably the least manic one to date. Which isn’t to say that the crucifixations coming in between comical beatings or the slapstick in the ‘fight’ at the end fit in the slightest, and the… evil stills or whatever you want to call them still look simply godawful. I’d also guess that it mellowed out slightly probably just because they were going through the motions of the horrible cliche without bothering to add any of their own to it. There was even a goddamned date montage.Â
Yada yada yada, guy walks in on hostile girl, goes on daaaate, she spews out her backstory for no reason, he saves her life by doing the barest minimum of what he’s supposed to and showing zero competence along the way, she blushes and starts squelching as she walks, continues to ‘comically’ beat him. Add some CGI trees and spice to taste. The action’s half poor and half offscreen, not to mention vaguely racist this week, and the backstory just spewed out at the drop of a hat for no reason other than “the formula says she has to have a backstory,” so you can’t even call that development in any way, just… well, spew.
Hopefully this new guy is going to provide a little more overall direction, but with them killing like, three dozen people a week, it’s starting to get a little hard to buy that the only thing these corrupt super nobles or whatever are doing to stop them is put up some half-assed wanted posters.
Next Episode:
If you’re reading this, then I’ve forgotten to change the template.
Posted in Akame | 6 Comments »
The girl in the preview, she was the girl killed in the first episode? She is no in the opening though so is probably some kind of mind trick.
It was a good episode, uncensored killing is always welcome.