Brynhildr #11 — …Again
June 15th, 2014
That rallying cry again.
So after the shocking event of “here’s another super crazy witch!” that was last week’s cliffhanger, guess what the cliffhanger for this week is. If you said “Here’s the same super crazy witch, but closer!” you’re right! Absolutely nothing is getting any more exciting or fast paced as it placidly rolls toward its finale, featuring such nonsense as “here’s another girl that within 10 minutes is hankering for a ride on his baloney pony” and “let’s all get naked together for no reason… again.” And then they climb up a giant pole and immediately fall off it. Sure, one can regenerate, but the baddies really just need to ignore them and let nature take its course. I give them a week before one of them sticks a fork into an outlet.
 I suppose there’s also the reveal… again… that Neko’s the same girl that ‘died’ waaaay back in flashbackville, done through the not-artificial-at-all sudden tossing of a tray of juice on her and then stripping her in front of him… again. But even that didn’t come until twenty one minutes in, so they couldn’t have cared that much about it. And this supposed emotional climax for the main characters came with loud male wailing and then they… just talked about how great it was for the span of the ED. No idea whatsoever why anybody’s supposed to care or what this is supposed to change, but hey, he sobbed so it sure was… loud? Â
Next Episode:
What an exciting preview.
Posted in Brynhildr | 8 Comments »
Again… I thought LAST week was gonna be the last time I heard a grown man cry like a baby.