Brynhildr in the Darkness #08 — Screw The Police
May 25th, 2014
Now we’re getting nowhere!
We’re faffing about with a vengeance now. Half the episode was spent on figuring out what the map was, padded out with yet more of the mystifyingly bizarre attempts at… I don’t even know… generating some kind of love triangle centering on a sponge? Some kind of attempt to titilate the viewers? I assume it’s probably the latter, but all they can really be assed to do is talk about how supposedly sexy they’re being.
And when they got there, they just found another mysterious clue to be understood in a future episode (which was the rallying cry of the last third of the damn thing), and beat up some trigger happy police in another particularly inane sequence. They even made a big deal about how they’re only shooting unarmed people  because the ‘unarmed’ started attacking them with explosives, then changed their mind and said that they were going to shoot him anyway. While he was handcuffed. All of the subordinate cops also disappeared partway through the fight, giving the ‘good’ guys ample time to stand around and BS at each other too, so they can’t even write/direct the most basic of scenes competently.
Posted in Brynhildr | 11 Comments »
So, in other Words. Even the Police here is Corrupt… Nice