Amazing Twins #02 — My House is Made of Contrivance!
May 6th, 2014
And flashbacks!
I had to go look up my previous post on this OVA mini-series because all I remembered was Like X-Men and Fuses With Psychic Ghost. As it turns out, that was probably too much effort, although this did get a little weird at the start when they started thinking about death. Okay, so it might be confusing when you’re accompanied by the ghost of your unborn twin possessing a stuffed bear, but one would think the subject may have come up at some point in one’s life before puberty.
You could actually pretty easily skip the first 14 minutes and get right to the popcorn part of the episode without missing much of anything since the reason for fighting remains “just cause.” This time they just took a little more of a direct approach instead of involving sexual predators. Well, I guess you’d miss the wafer thin excuse for not using the fusion mode, but she gets over that just as quickly. The antagonist just shutting down and putting herself into an illusory house of flashbacks was just about the lamest way they could have gone with things though. They could have actually tied things together too at the end, with her ghost sister disappearing and making a new friend, maybe even made all that bawling worth it, but no, of course not. That’d be way too risky.
Eh. It remains fluff, and there’s certainly worse fluff, especially when it comes to the budget and action. It was worse on those fronts than I remembered the first episode’s being, but still far beyond what most ‘action’ shows aspire towards.
Posted in Amazing Twins | 1 Comment »
What the fuck did I even watch?