No Game, No Life #02 — A Tale of Two Shows

April 16th, 2014


Seriously, what the hell?


After beginning with a goddamned five minutes of pseudo rock-paper-scissors that was insultingly stupid, I was all geared up to rant about that. Hell, I’m 95% certain that it was originally written as just regular RPS, but someone said that wasn’t enough to carry five goddamned minutes of exposition about it, so they had to screw with the rules slightly in order to explain them too. But that’s not even the notable thing about the episode because after that, the director and writer were apparently feeling so absolutely utterly bored of the tripe that they decided to make it a ‘wacky’ comedy instead. So it shifted gears with an audible grind and Tits began screaming her goddamned head off, because that is what’s funny, right?

There’s not much left after that besides the screaming. They take a bath, dress in fancy clothes, do a whole lot of screaming, and with about four minutes left, settle in for more goddamned exposition. Enough with the goddamned infodumping already. You taught us how to play a slight variation on RPS this week. You’ve done enough. I don’t even know how to feel about the attempted turn of tone except to say that it’s jarring as all hell after the first episode had them sitting in a dark room talking about how lame the world is without a trace of irony. And now they’re throwing pies decade old memes. 

Next Episode:

Frilly dresses.

Posted in No Game | 6 Comments »

6 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Di Gi Kazune says:

    Fufufufu… All going according to keikaku… (T/L note: keikaku means plan)
    They are actually using a variant of RPS that makes it more likely for Ms. Naked Buttmonkey to win… but as Sora points out, she’s a hopeless gamer.

  • elior1 says:

    wow when they are sepereate sora and shiro are total helpless

  • elior1 says:

    i didnt like the first half becouse the comedy but the second half of the episode was better since this was only a little sireous when they met that outher girl

  • FlameStrike says:

    Lmao I liked this episode a lot! Sora and Shirou are just a raging train wreck of awesomeness. I can’t wait to see where they’re going.

    I wasn’t even bothered by the exposition. Then again I’m usually never bothered by it unless it’s both excessive and uninteresting, and my personal tolerances are high.

  • david says:

    Mc and shiro are just step siblings.

  • elior1 says:

    prepare everyone for a epic chess match next epispde