Brynhildr #04 — Lies and Vaginas
April 27th, 2014
And all you left with was two small boxes?
Well, that was a fascinating journey from dumb, to dumber, to glowing tits, to jell-o tits. And I am shocked… shocked, I say… by the cliffhanger than the new girl who’s in the OP is one of the witches too. I guess at least we got to see Dumbass♂ explode into a cloud a jam, even if it immediately got reset by some tremendously ass-pully time reset powers. I can’t even imagine a less satisfying way for that to have gone.
And to think I was originally going to rant about how stupid that was, but then the episode simply pissed away the rest of the time with half-assed fanservice and the traditional enthralling bit where the females all get naked and throw their genitalia at the protagonist while he looks aghast, like coming suddenly face to face with a vagina is more terrifying than the seven pits of the abyss. The rest was exciting stuff like “girl joins as new student,” “dour men have a meeting on a holodeck,” and “other girl joins as new student.” Thrilling stuff, guys.
Next Episode:
More tits.
Posted in Brynhildr | 3 Comments »
new sailor moon to air in july 5 the main cast has been revealed:
sailor Moon/Usagi Tsukino: Kotono Mitsuishi
Sailor Mercury/Ami Mizuno: Hisako Kanemoto
Sailor Mars/Rei Hino: Rina Satou
Sailor Jupiter/Makoto Kino: Ami Koshimizu
Sailor Venus/Minako Aino: Shizuka Itou