Unknown and Unfinished #03 — BOWLS!

January 22nd, 2014


One of the few things I remember from the episode at this point!


Is it just me or was this episode really quiet? Maybe I was just expecting to be drowned out by the squeaky thing’s ranting again and the relative lack of it (very relative) caught me by surprise. It still needs to find something to actually do with its time. Again, not some grandiose series long plot, but something above “they go to school, buy new bowls, Kobeni cooks something and then melodramatically wonders about her past.” It’s the third episode. It’s a little too soon to be in a rut. We don’t need to drag out this Kobeni/Hakuya thing the entire season, although I suspect we very may well.

It was… an evener episode than last week’s, I suppose to say. It squeaked less, which my eardrums thank it for, but it’s barely been 5 minutes since I finished and it’s already fading from memory. They have bowls now, like a real family, and, uh… Kobeni feels sorry for herself regarding her man? The aliens stuff last week was a dead horse so beaten it practically was glue by the end of it, but it was something that stood out about the episode. Being extremely forgettable when there’s not even the slightest trace of structure or purpose to a twenty minute affair.

Next Episode:

Rapacious barbians.

Posted in In-Progress | 5 Comments »

5 Shouts From the Peanut Gallery

  • Kitsu says:

    Benio should Keep the sister to her onw
    Fight for your Imouto!

  • Athos says:

    There’s always been suspiciously very little background music in this series. Maybe it’s to emphasize the snowy weather? I don’t know why, but I like it.

  • aklik says:

    [quote]slightest trace of structure or purpose[/quote]
    Do romantic comedy ever need any structure or purpose?